The Trustees have adopted Criteria by which they will be guided in making grants.
In general we will favour
We do not make grants to individuals.
The Trustees have resolved (while maintaining their absolute discretion) to prioritize applications in the following four areas equally:
Vocational and formational development
This will include Pastoral Assistant and other kinds of placement schemes and the fostering, discernment and training of those preparing both for ordained ministry and authorized lay ministries.
Evangelistic and missional activities
Examples include parish missions, programmes of teaching and catechesis, work with children and young people, pilgrimage, and the provision of liturgical resources (including music). Any grants towards staff costs in relation to such activities will be by way of pump-priming and will therefore generally be time-limited (typically for three years).
Stipend support
Grants in respect of stipends will be strictly limited to posts deemed to be of strategic importance. Wherever possible, such grants will be made in consultation with the Council of Bishops of The Society. Because the Trustees wish to make grants in this category by way of pump-priming and do not wish to make open-ended commitments, they will generally be time-limited (typically for three years.)
Church and other buildings
This will include funding the repair, restoration and refurbishment of churches and other church property used in the service of mission, e.g. church halls, parish offices and accommodation belonging to a parish that is used to house a curate or other parish worker.