The Fund, which was founded in 1909, is a registered charity (no. 275353).
It is governed in accordance with a Scheme dated 21 June 2001, as amended by the Trustees in 2014.
The Fund is administered by a body of Trustees.

The Objects of the Charity are:

  1. to further the teaching and practice of the Catholic faith within the Church of England; and
  2. for such other charitable purposes connected with the Church of England as the trustees may from time to time determine.

For these purposes, ‘the Church of England’ means the Church of England as defined in the Fidelity Trust Act 1977, in the terms set out in the statutes of the Woodard Corporation dated 31 August 1974.

The Trustees seek to further the Objects of the Charity by making grants to Anglo-Catholic parishes and institutions. (The Trustees do not make grants to individuals.)

The Trustees also administer a number of restricted and designated funds, the purposes of which reflect the intentions of their original donors, subject to the overall Objects of the Charity.